Privacy Policy

Game: Crazy Scratch:Lucky Game
Dear User,
Thank you for choosing our services. We highly value the protection of your personal information and privacy. To better safeguard your rights and interests, we have formulated this Privacy Policy to explain to you the relevant matters concerning the collection, use, storage, and protection of your personal information. Please carefully read all the contents of this Privacy Policy to understand how we handle your personal information.
1. Scope of Information Collection
The information we collect includes but is not limited to:
- Personal information you fill in when registering, such as name, contact information, etc.;
- Operational logs when you use the service, such as browsing records, click behaviors, etc.;
- Device information, such as device model, operating system version, etc.;
- Other information you actively provide or we collect.
2. Purposes of Information Use
We collect your information for the following purposes:
- To provide services to you and realize service functions;
- To optimize products and services, and enhance user experience;
- To maintain system security and prevent fraudulent activities;
- To recommend relevant products or services based on your personal preferences and needs.
3. Information Protection Measures We will take strict security measures
to protect the security of your personal information. Only authorized
personnel can access your information and strictly abide by confidentiality obligations. Once personal information leakage or unauthorized access is discovered, we will take immediate measures to
block it and notify you. 4. Information Disclosure and Sharing Unless with your consent or as required by law, we will not disclose your personal information to third parties. In the following cases, we may share your information with third parties: - For the needs of realizing service functions, we need to share your information with partners; - According to the provisions of laws and regulations, we need to provide your information to competent authorities; - In order to protect our legitimate rights and interests or the personal and property safety of others, we need to disclose your information. 5. Cookies and Similar Technologies Our website or service may use cookies and similar technologies to collect and store information. You can set your browser to manage the use of cookies according to your needs. 6. Protection of Minors Our service is only for adults, and minors should use our service under the guidance of their guardians. If you are a minor, please read this Privacy Policy and use our service under the supervision of your guardian. 7. Privacy Policy Updates We reserve the right to update this Privacy Policy at any time. The updated Privacy Policy will be published and take effect on the website. We recommend that you regularly check this Privacy Policy to understand the latest privacy protection measures. 8. Contact Us If you have any questions or suggestions regarding this Privacy Policy or the handling of personal information, you can contact us through the following methods: Email: 【】 We will respond to your requests as soon as possible and provide necessary assistance and support.